Olive trees are quite sensitive to the microclimate and soil condition.
The site is at 500m above sea level and slopes gently to the north, providing both excellent sun exposure and air drainage, protecting the trees from frost.
The site was selected using experience gained in developing premium vineyard sites around Australia for the Oatley family’s then Rosemount Estate wines. Along with extensive vineyard holdings in the region, the family runs Australia’s largest commercial herd of Charolais cattle, on their Mudgee properties. The olive, like the grape is a Mediterranean native and it seemed logical that the same growing criteria would apply.
The selected site oriented to the north and enjoys ideal natural protection from the south by the rocky ridges near Gulgong. The rich volcanic soils interspersed with exposed outcrops of granite and ironstone complemented by the presence of broken quartz. This maintains constant soil health and movement vital to the successful development of the delicate and fine root system of the olive tree. Drip irrigation was chosen to ensure climate control of soil moisture profiles and provide broad surface coverage without wasting this valuable resource.